Monday, July 8, 2013


After a 9 hour flight on Friday, we made it back to Charlotte. We had a wonderful time in the UK and Geneva, but we were glad to get back. There is something about sleeping in your own bed and reconnecting with a beloved family pet that makes you feel like home.

As I have reflected on our all the places we visited on this "reformation tour," I am struck by the courage that was shown by people like Calvin and Knox. Here were two regular guys who were so convinced by the word of Scripture, that they stood up to the monolith that was the Catholic Church. In some cases, they risked their life to bring the Word of God to the people. How difficult it must have been to stand up to the religious establishment and point out another way.

It has been said that we are in the midst of another major shift in how our faith is expressed. These shifts seem to occur at 500 year intervals. The Great Schism of 1054 and the Great Reformation of the 1500's have laid the groundwork for the Great Emergence of the 21st century. It amazes me that I am living at the time of a major shift. What courage is called for during this time? How can I lead my congregation through the turmoil of the shift? Where are we heading? All of these are important questions to consider.

During the weeks after the trip, I have begun reading a number of books to help me get my head around the shift that is occuring. Phyliss Tickle's book, "The Great Emergence" does an excellent job of putting the shift into context and showing what has led to this time of upheaval in the church. I would highly recommend this book. I am getting ready to read "Unbinding the Gospel" by Martha Grace Reese, and "Aqua Church 2.0" by Leonard Sweet. These books give some practical ideas on how to minister in the "whitewater" society in which we live.

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